Friday, January 20, 2012

Teaching in the 21st Century

Teaching has changed over the years. however, not until recently has it really been noticed. As a teacher today, I have access to so much more than I would have had if I taught where technology is not as advanced. I am able to teach so much more information to my students today because I have access to virtually anything I want because of the internet. As an art teacher, my approach to teaching art changes as well. I am now able to expand my students minds. I do not have to stick to traditional ways of teaching art. I am able to teach students how to use software like Photoshop and Light room to create pieces of art. I can also use websites like Art 21 to show students newer contemporary artists. I can have students use technology like Power Point to make presentations that inform the class about artists they find interesting. I as an art teacher have so much more of an opportunity to open and stretch my students minds. Teaching in the 21st century means that we now have so much more and because we have so much more, our students' will have so much more as well. As a teacher I aspire to let my students explore, create, and discover and with the help of technology; I can do that with ease. Students can chase after ideas or convictions they have. I can challenge students on different social issues related to art. I can help them discover their love for art. Because of technology, art is no longer stale, it becomes a rich and inviting topic that challenges students to grow. That is what teaching art in the 21st century is all about; letting our students grow.

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