Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blogs and RSS Feeds for Education

There are numerous educational blogs and RSS feeds. I have found that many are helpful. As an art education teacher, I have found that it is somewhat difficult to find resources online. There are some but there are not as many as for other subjects. However, I have found that blogs and RSS feeds are incredibly useful.

I found one blog that is called Art is Messy. This blog is from a fellow art teacher. She uses this site to display artwork created by her students. I really like this site because it is a great site to get ideas from to use in my classroom. She is a teacher who is teaching at an American school in China. She has lessons and posts from her art 2 class as well as her graphic design class. There is another section called artists to know. All three of these are very helpful.

I find this teacher's blog so interesting because 1) she is in China and able to give a different view of art. 2) She has experience with graphic design and finally 3) because she also has some middle grade work on her site as well. These are also the main reasons that I find this site helpful to me as a fellow art teacher. It has given me new ideas and a different perspective to teaching.

The other site I found is an RSS feed site called The Art Newspaper. This site has soooo much information on it. It has exactly what the title on art. This is helpful to me as a teacher because it keeps me up to date on what is happening in the art world. I am able to see what is happening in the contemporary world of art which is really important because as a teacher I have to keep art relevant to my students and looking into contemporary art is one way to do that. There is also museum information on the site as well. This helps keep me informed as to how the world is affecting art which also helps my students learn. The information on museums may be interesting to some of my students as well. I will mainly use this site to see what is relevant in the art world and find out any information that would be important and interesting for my students.

I hope this information on these two sites helps... 

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