Sunday, February 19, 2012


Twitter is a site used mainly for entertainment purposes. However, some teachers find it to be a useful tool in the classroom. I think that teachers should use it. I feel that there are a lot of benefits to using twitter. Teachers should use it to reach students. Teachers should use what is relevant to students to reach them. Twitter can be used to do many thing for students. It can be used for reminders, important information, and other tools like research. It can be very beneficial for students and teachers. Teachers can use it to get help from fellow teachers on issues, figure out ways to help students, get helpful information or helpful tools from other teachers, get lesson plan ideas, and find people who can help their students learn. In art, teachers can twitter to benefit their students. The teacher can set up tweets with the artists to get an inside look into that artist's work. It can be used for students who are in art as a research tool. They can use it to look into contemporary artists, get opinions for a social justice art project, see what other students are making, and just to get inspiration. Other non-art students can use twitter for similar ideas as well. They can use it to hash tag to do research, get opinions from other students, and get other helpful educational information. Twitter does in fact have a place in learning. However, it must be used carefully because with out careful use then Twitter can become a destructive tool in the classroom. Twitter like all other internet related tools can be useful and dangerous as well. However, Twitter should be used in the classroom because its usefulness out ways its harmfulness.

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