Sunday, April 29, 2012

Technology & Education

Technology has had an impact on education. Technology has been able to change and impact the way that we as teachers are reaching students. We as teachers are now able to reach students that are not in our classroom. We have the ability to teach lessons to students outside our classroom because of programs like Skype and Voice Thread. Students are now able to be more engaged in the introduction of lessons as well. With tools like the Smart Board students can be introduced to a lesson using games, stories, or videos. Technology has made it much easier to make lessons interesting to students. The use of technology has had an impact of students' interest as well. We as teachers are able to make our lesson more visually pleasing and that means that we can keep students' attention much longer. Since there are many different learning styles, we can use technology to help students learn by using technology to provide a variety of learning styles in our technology. We are able to focus our lessons to help those students who have special needs so that they have the ability to learn much better. As an art teacher, I have been able to give my students a much richer art experience because of technology. I am now able to show my students art works that they otherwise will not be able to view. I am able to give them the best art viewing experience as possible without taking them to the museums. I am also able to have them create artwork using technology. Technology has drastically photography. Students are now able to produce beautiful photos without a large amount of expensive equipment. My students are also about to use technology for graphic design and other digital media pieces of artwork. They are able to create art using technology that is very low cost. Overall technology has brought a lot to the classroom and has changed the way that teachers teach students. I believe that as technology continues to advance that it will continue to positively impact the way that we teach our students.

Below I have an audio piece about the technology tool Voice Thread. This piece talks about how it enhances my classroom. Have a listen!! (Just click below)

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