Sunday, April 8, 2012


Podcasting is a good educational tool. I feel that students can learn from podcasts. They can use podcasts to hear from other educators teach the same subject they are learning in a different way or style. They can learn from other students through podcasts by listening to projects that fellow students created. I also think that podcasts can be a great research tool as well. Students can use them as an additional resource to gather information. The main advantage of using podcasts is that they are usually free. Having good podcasts available to the classroom opens up a lot of possibilities since they are free there is really no limitations to where they can be used. I also like that podcasts are done by so many people. This allows students to get numerous perspectives on the same subject. As great as podcasts are, there are some disadvantages as well. I found that the main disadvantage to some podcasts is that there is no visual attached to them. This can be a problem, especially when discussing art because without the visual of the art piece being discussed; students could have a hard time visualizing what is being discussed. I feel that sometimes students do not get the full effect unless they have a visual. However, overall I feel that podcasts are a useful learning tool for the classroom.

I watched a podcast today. It was a TEDtalk by Lucy McRae titles- How can technology transform the body? This was a really informative video especially for me as an artist so because of that I made a quick summary. Just click on the link below to listen.

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